Friday, August 17, 2018

Benefits of precompetition sex for elite female athletes

A classic topic of debate among sportspeople is the effect of pre-competition sex on athletic performance.  In the primitive, prurient age, and still today on LR, this meant examining - or speculating about - the potential effects on male athletes.  These effects are not always considered beneficial.

The LRBF know this at least and will discuss it, although usually in very uninformed terms.  The girls, by contrast, are more advanced mentally, and they can and do imagine better possibilities...but of course they are "protected" or "contained" by prurient social forces - like their coaches/parents/LR mods, and even on occasions their boyfriends when these guys discover their adventurings.  They also feel they must hide their own experimentations, so it's hard to connect the dots.

For more than ten years, I have posted on LR (and occasionally elsewhere) a more advanced theory.  It is Tiberian indeed and the findings are based on research that is detailed below.  Anyway here's the abstract:

Elite female athletes can benefit from pre-competition sex, with a measurable performance increment of up to ~0.5% or even more, if a certain protocol is followed (timing/intensity).

I am a bold Tiberian master and as LR readers know well, I enjoy very much enjoy dominating smart, accomplished and open-minded college sportsgirls. My form of domination is cultured, respectful and is not in any way similar to the rather crude and immature FiftyShades fantasy that has become popular.  Anyway, I enjoy variety and although runnergirls tend not to be my style - no boobs and small butts as well as eating habits/complexes - I was curious about meeting an elite female college athlete.  So a long time ago I posted one of my usual provocative and salacious ads for a student, and received some responses including from an NCAA swimmergirl.  We began our private liaison in the usual way, meeting at the hotels or her roomies' place for our fun.  She was really a luscious specimen of young womanhood, tall, smart, sleek like an otter, strong - I love strong women! - alluring and sexually voracious.... if not so experienced. I took care of that problem for her soon enough....

Anyway I was surprised when my swimmergirl - later, an Olympian -  told me one day that she wanted to experiment with Tiberian sex prior to her competition.   She originally suggested this in the spirit of fun, even as a joke.  I complied, finding the whole thing with aqua-science-girl quite fascinating in its inversion of socio-sexual norms.  So OK, I participated with quite a lot more enthusiasm than that...LOL!

Anyway...we tried a range of different timings and activities, and each time we compared her performance with expectations based on statistical confidence interval analysis from a model based on her training log data and physiological indicators.  We used the statistical model that her coaching staff used, which as some elite college swimmers know can take the form of a nonlinear time-weighted multivariate model based on a number of physiological sampled parameters as well as microsampled training performances. The idea being, we could identify anomalously strong performances i.e. those that were better than statistically expected at that moment from the training/physio parameter model.  This performance model is calibrated for each individual athlete and for those who have been on their team for some time, and therefore whose models are built with extensive data, it's usually accurate.

Let me recap the results.  Over two years of experimentation, we learned that an all-night mastering 72-48hrs prior to her competition produced the best results (competition-wise, for her).  Over the 200y free this effect at its strongest was worth better than 2 seconds vs. model.  The physiological and psychophysical reasons for this are the hormone flush that increases endurance, pain tolerance and aerobic capacity as well as the systematic stimulant effects and sense of balance and well-being promoted by great sex.  Women's performance benefits from post-sex effects in stronger ways than that of males. 

She also tried this with regular bf, without such success.  We don't know exactly why, but we have a reasonable idea.  She confirmed the hormonal surge and physiological reactions were more intense with me.  Bear in mind, regular bf was a college dude and I was her secret dominant master, so the anticipation and activities were more intense than with regular bf.  I am also an expert in various advanced erotic arts such as extreme distension which induce stronger hormone surges than vanilla sex and we did it all.  We even discovered a specific and multi-orgasmic sequence of sexual acts spaced with sleep to which she responded most strongly so we tried to follow the pattern.  Of course all this had to happen outside of the orbit of coaches/bf and others, which could be challenging if the meet was far away...but I found reasons to travel and get a nearby hotel room.  Timing of our session was important: less than 48 hrs prior to competition was too soon, and after 96 hours, the effects curve was on its downside.

When she was happy with her competition result and returned to campus, she "rewarded" me by giving me carte blanche to use her in any kinky way I liked without concern for athletic performance that was possibly even more fun, simply using her as my fun sextoy!

Some caveats. 

a. The arms, glutes and legs experience different physiological and biomechanical demands in the pool than on the track or cc course.  There's no way of knowing if what worked for elite swimmergirl would also deliver the same benefit for athletes in other sports, although it stands to reason that whatever component of general physiological improvement is delivered would help all athletic performance.

b. Specifically, I have not conducted this same detailed experiment with serious runnergirls.  I didn't seek them out, for one thing, but also, they a. have no cleavage and b. their libidos are unnaturally suppressed by their training.  It is a very weird thing when girls have no sex drive; this situation is only normal/acceptable to the LRBF.

One more thing - swimmergirl knew how to drink.  It enhanced the experience to get our buzz, then get to it.  She thought the practice next morning washed out the toxins and that this complemented the hormone flush of sex perfectly - she felt rough and drained and stretched and used during the next practice, then she would sleep very well the following night, then carb-load, then perform a taper workout the day before competition, now feeling very strong and ready.

She was f-u-u-u-n!  Another great thing about all this was that, eventually, one or two of her trusted team-mates found out about our experiments, and the results, and then they wanted to be mastered themselves.  Until that point they simply had not considered or even imagined that a good expert reaming by a master twice their age would have measurable performance benefits, quite apart from simply being ultimately satisfying in bed. They then discovered the same phenomenon as SwimmerGirl #1.  We had to keep all this quite private from their regular bfs.  We all had relationships, so no problem there!

The ridiculous, primitive and deeply-rooted hypocrisies about female sexuality prevent these discussions from happening in many places, including on LR.  My postings on this topic have routinely been censored by those who fear such discussions.  But this very topic - of female athletes engaging in pre-competition sex to improve performance - should not be in the least taboo.  This concept should be given due consideration and researched properly.  It shouldn't be surprising that Tiberius is a pioneer in this field of athletic endeavor!  But seriously, I have better data than all of you on this topic and we must begin somewhere.

This may also be an eternal debate for the male LRBF.... but in their case, they spend too much time worrying about it, because most of them can't get laid anyway. 

Female athletes: if you are genuinely curious, write me, and I'll provide more specifics on the protocol.   But no names or other identifying info for swimmergirls.  We keep our privacy.  If you're reading this, you know who you are and how much fun we had :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi tiberius! Long time no see :) I found your blog from a discussion board. Maybe you remember me? You called me your "cute black college slut" and I was on a sports scholarship but not a swimmer. The boys have no idea! You showed me exactly what you meant and it was AMAZING! Best ever! You even loved it when I wore heels to our first date.. I learned how powerful this is for a tall girl like me. My gosh just reading your description reminds me of our fun and gets me hot again!

    Let me know if you're visiting MD again soon please! I will make it worthwhile for you lol!

